100th Anniversary of Girl scouts.
This was a beautiful weekend in Orange FL for the 100th anniversary of the girl scouts. Sometimes we all get a feeling we should have done more? much more, this was one of those events. The staff was more than helpful courteous. Volunteers help young girls learn skills about the outdoors. Swimming, Hiking, Archery, Rock Climbing, Fishing, setting up a tents with the families of the girls, camping and lots more cool things. We should all do a little more to support our local girl scouts and boy scouts groups. I,m a believer after getting first hand a weekend of how great the Girl Scouts of America is. The stage rented was the XXL Mobile Stage with the Audio for front of house was Nexo Geo-T line array 3 mains per side and 1 down-fill per side for a total of 8 tops. 2 Double CD18 Cardioid for sub bass per side, Console Mcl7 by Yamaha. and for lighting a few Par 64s for performer lighting.